R12 : Bank & Trading Community Architecture(TCA)
Three key CE tables now as:
- CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS for bank accounts
- CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL for account uses by Operating Units & Legal Entities
- CE_GL_ACCOUNTS_CCID for bank account use accounting data

The TCA party model is being used to model banks and bank branches as parties with the associated attributes of Relationships, Address, Contact and Locations. The TCA tables used by Cash Management for modeling Banks and Bank Branches are listed below:
The HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES table stores additional attributes of banks and bank branches along with the history of changes made to Banks and Bank Branches. The contact person at the bank, bank branch and bank account is defined as a party in HZ_PARTIES, while the contact details will be stored in HZ_CONTACT_POINTS (stores contact methods), HZ_ORG_CONTACTS (stores the contact’s title) and HZ_ORG_CONTACT_ROLES (stores the contact’s purpose or role). The address details of Banks and Bank Branches will be in HZ_LOCATIONS (stores addresses) and HZ_PARTY_SITES (stores party sites).
The new table CE_BANK_ACCOUNT stores bank account attributes while the CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL table stores the bank account use attributes specific to Operating Unit (AR, AP) and Legal Entity (Treasury).
The accounting data pertaining to the bank account use will be stored in the CE_GL_ACCOUNTS_CCID table.
All of the bank, branch and bank account related attributes in AP_BANK_BRANCHES and AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL tables will be upgraded to HZ_PARTIES and the new tables in Cash Management.
Within TCA model, here is various attributes how they fits inside the model.

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