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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Queries To find object details

16)       To check Locks on a Table

The relevant query is as follows:
Select object_id, session_id, oracle_username, os_user_name,
Process, locked_mode
From sys.v_$locked_object;
Select a.object_name, b.oracle_username
From all_objects a, v$locked_object b
Where a.object_id = b.object_id
And a.object_name like ‘po%’;

17)       Find an Object’s Type:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT object_type
FROM   user_objects
WHERE object_name = ‘’;

18)       Check for Existence Of Any Object In The Database:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT owner, object_type
FROM     all_objects
WHERE  object_name = ‘’;
ie. object_name = PO_HEADERS_ALL
            OWNER                        OBJECT_TYPE
            APPS_APPDEMO          SYONONYM
            PODEMO                      TABLE

19)       Check Database for Invalid Objects:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT owner, object_name, object_type
FROM     all_objects
WHERE  status = ‘INVALID’;
SELECT count(*)
FROM   from dba_objects
WHERE  status = ‘INVALID’;

20)       To Find Dependent Objects Of An Invalid Object:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT owner, object_type, object_name
FROM     dba_objects
WHERE  status = ‘INVALID’
AND       object_name IN (SELECT referenced_name
                                                               FROM    dba_dependencies
                                                               WHERE  name = ‘’);
This will bring results down only one level of dependencies.

21)       Finding Columns and Tables

The all_tab_columns is a useful table that can be queried for such information.
For example:
SELECT  table_name, column_name
FROM   all_tab_columns
WHERE column_name like ‘PO_HEADER%’;
TABLE_NAME                                      COLUMN_NAME
—————————— ——————           ————————
FINANCIALS_PURGES_V                                 PO_HEADERS
You can also find all tables from,
select * from all_objects
where object_name like ‘%PO_HEADERS_ALL%’
and object_type = ‘TABLE’

22)       Finding and Deleting Duplicate Rows

The following statement will find and display all duplicate rows in a table, except the row with the maximum rowid:
WHERE rowid    (SELECT max(rowid)
WHERE a. = b.
AND a. = b. — make sure all columns are compared
AND a. = b.;
Note:  Duplicate rows which contain only NULL values will not be identified by above statement.

23)       Get The Code For a View:

The relevant query is as follows:
SQL>     set long 10000
FROM    user_views
WHERE view_name = ‘’;

24)       Checking Version of Database Package:

The relevant query is as follows:
FROM     dba_source
WHERE  name = ‘’
AND        text LIKE ‘%Header:%’;
For example, look for the 2 files that make up the package “PO_INQ_SV’:
/*   $Header:  POXPOVPS.pls   80.1.7016.2  98/02/24   20:00:59  porting ship $   */
/*   $Header:  POXPOVPB.pls   80.3.7016.4  98/07/01   16:47:41  porting ship $   */
Notice the results give us the file names that make up the Header/Spec and Body of the package. The B and the S at the end of the 7 letters indicate the Body and Spec file.

25)       How to Determine the File Name for a Package

The relevant query is as follows:
Select text from dba_source where name = ‘xxx_xxx_xxx’ and text like ‘%$Header:%’;
strings -a aprcvmtb.pls | grep ‘CREATE’
This will return a string of the package name like:

26)       View Code for a Package:

The relevant query is as follows:
SQL>     set long 10000
FROM    user_source
WHERE name = ‘’;

27)       Display Package Errors:

The relevant query is as follows:
FROM    dba_errors
WHERE name = ‘’;

28)       Check to see what Indexes are on a Table:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT index_name
FROM    all_indexes
WHERE table_name = ‘’;

29)       Check to see what Columns are Indexed on a Table:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT column_name, index_name
FROM     all_ind_columns
WHERE  table_name = ‘
U = unique index
N = non-unique index

30)       Find Triggers on a Table:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT trigger_name
FROM   all_triggers
WHERE table_name = ‘

31)       Find Directory where Trace Files are Stored:

The relevant query is as follows:
SELECT value
FROM     v$parameter
WHERE  name = ‘user_dump_dest’;
User_dump_dest  is an initialization parameter defined in the init.ora file.

32)       Check for Multiple/Duplicate Logins

The relevant query is as follows:
1. Get the person_id for the employee
    select person_id     from per_people_f
    where last_name like &LASTNAME
2. Now use the person_id in the following SQL
    select count(*) from wf_users
    where orig_system_id = &PERSON_ID
    and status = ‘ACTIVE’
If count is greater than one, you got duplicates

33)       Obtaining Org_Id and Setting Context

Please launch the applications and then use Help -> Diagnostics ->
Examine and then select $Profile in block and then org_id as field
Get this value and then set the context using SQL:
SQL> Exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(&org_id)

34)       To check if multi-org is setup

The relevant query is as follows:
Select multi_org_flag from FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS;

35)       To find out details of concurrent request submitted with certain conditions

The relevant query is as follows:
Select request_id, req.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID, prog.DESCRIPTION, Request_date, printer, number_of_copies, usr.user_name 
from fnd_concurrent_requests req,  fnd_concurrent_programs_tl prog, fnd_user usr
where printer ‘noprint’
and requested_start_date > ’14-AUG-06′
and status_code = ‘C’
and number_of_copies > 0
and prog.language = ‘US’
and req.requested_by = usr.user_id
order by request_date desc

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