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Thursday, March 14, 2013

XML Publisher Reports Issues in Oracle Apps  by Avinash Kumar

Hi Firends,

Most of the issues will be solved by below tag:

For Example I have faced below scenarios :


When output is in CSV format..column payment term. have the values 01-00
but my output was displayed as  'JAN-00'

Answer) I have used below tag to solve the issue <?xdofx:PAYMENT_TERM||'    '?>

Ex: 2

When output is in CSV format column one of the column contain around 20 number like 123757638868363833846846
My CSV output was displayed in exponential value like 12375763e373884 etc...

Answer) I have  used the below tag to resolve the issue.

<?xdofx:SALES_ORDER_NUMBER||'    '?>

Ex : 3

To Get Values in For Total Amount including decimal values. 

Please use below tag

<fo:bidi-override direction="ltr" unicode-bidi="bidi-override"> <?format-number:sum(TOT_AMOUNT);'99G999G999G990D00PT'?> </fo:bidi>

<fo:bidi-override direction="ltr" unicode-bidi="bidi-override"> <?format-number:sum(APPROVED_AMT);'99G999G999G990D00PT'?> </fo:bidi>

<fo:bidi-override direction="ltr" unicode-bidi="bidi-override"> <?format-number:sum(TOTAL_AMT);'99G999G999G990D00PT'?>

Ex : 4

For Summary and Details Reports


<? if:P_REPORT_TYPE='Summary'?>
<?end if?>

<? if:P_REPORT_TYPE='Detail'?>
<?end if?>

Spiting by Page Break


For Looping we use tag

<?end for-each?>

Ex : 5 

To hide the column we use 

<?if@column:B_ADDRESS1!=''?><?B_ADDRESS1?><?end if?>

Avinash Kumar.

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