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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Following query gives Operating Unit Information and corresponding Inventory Orgs related information as well.

Following query gives Operating Unit Information and corresponding Inventory Orgs related information as well.

SELECT hou.NAME operating_unit_name,
hou.organization_id operating_unit_id, 
ood.organization_name inventory_organization_name,
ood.organization_code Inv_organization_code,
ood.organization_id Inv_organization_id, 
FROM hr_operating_units hou, 
org_organization_definitions ood
WHERE 1 = 1 
AND hou.organization_id = ood.operating_unit
ORDER BY hou.organization_id ASC;


Following SQL query can be used to find out the exact version of the oracle applications you are currently working on.

Following SQL query can be used to find out the exact version of the oracle applications you are currently working on.

SELECT substr(a.application_short_name, 1, 5) code,
       substr(t.application_name, 1, 50) application_name,
       p.product_version version
  FROM fnd_application a,
       fnd_application_tl t,
       fnd_product_installations p
 WHERE a.application_id = p.application_id
   AND a.application_id = t.application_id
   AND t.language = USERENV('LANG');

XML report publisher concurrent program from backend.

XML report publisher

At times you might need to take the xml output of an existing program and apply an XML Publisher / BI Publisher Template to it. The standard use case is if the output is generated by pro*c code/ a spawned or host concurrent program. The XML Report Publisher concurrent program can help achieve this.

The Report takes the Concurrent request id, template application id, template name, template locale, template type and output type as parameters.

A sample piece of code is shown below.

  l_req_id NUMBER;
  l_req_id := fnd_request.submit_request('XDO',
                                         20003, -- Receivables
                                         'XXGILGMDWOPICKLIST', -- Statement Generate
                                         'en-US', -- English


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