Validation Types?
Ans. 1. Dependant
2. Independent
3. None
4. Pair
5. Special
6. Table
7. Translate Independent
8. Translate Dependent
Ans. 1. Dependant
2. Independent
3. None
4. Pair
5. Special
6. Table
7. Translate Independent
8. Translate Dependent
How to define a value set depending on other value set?
Ans. Navigation Path: Login -> AOL -> Application -> Validation -> Set Select the validation type as "Dependant" and click on „Edit Information‟ button. In Dependant value set information screen mention the Independent value set name.
Ans. Navigation Path: Login -> AOL -> Application -> Validation -> Set Select the validation type as "Dependant" and click on „Edit Information‟ button. In Dependant value set information screen mention the Independent value set name.
255) Incompatibility in report registration and Run Alone?
Ans. Identify programs that should not run simultaneously with your concurrent program because they might interfere with its execution. You can specify your program as being incompatible with itself. Application: Although the default for this field is the application of your concurrent program, you can enter any valid application name.
Name: The program name and application you specify must uniquely identify a concurrent program. Your list displays the user-friendly name of the program, the short name, and the description of the program.
Scope: Enter Set or Program Only to specify whether your concurrent program is incompatible with this program and all its child requests (Set) or only with this program (Program Only).
Run Alone: Indicate whether your program should run alone relative to all other programs in the same logical database. If the execution of your program interferes with the execution of all other programs in the same logical database (in other words, if your program is incompatible with all programs in its logical database, including itself), it should run alone.
256)Multi Org?
Ans. Business Group (each one own Set of Books)
Legal Entity (Post to a Set of Books) 67 Operating Units
Inventory Organizations
Manufacturing Modules (Order Entry, Purchasing, MRP etc.)
Financial Modules
257) What are Profiles?
Ans. A user profile is a set of changeable options that affect the way your application looks and behaves. As System Administrator, you control how Oracle Applications operate by setting user profile options to the values you want. You can set user profile options at four different levels: site, application, responsibility, and user. Your settings affect users as soon as they sign on or change responsibility. Navigation Path: Login – System Administrator -> Profile -> System
Signon Password Hard to Guess
Signon Password Length
Set of Books Name
Flexfields: Autoskip
Ans. A user profile is a set of changeable options that affect the way your application looks and behaves. As System Administrator, you control how Oracle Applications operate by setting user profile options to the values you want. You can set user profile options at four different levels: site, application, responsibility, and user. Your settings affect users as soon as they sign on or change responsibility. Navigation Path: Login – System Administrator -> Profile -> System
Signon Password Hard to Guess
Signon Password Length
Set of Books Name
Flexfields: Autoskip
258)What is the Multi Org and what is it used
Ans. Multi Org or Multiple Organizations Architecture allows multiple operating units and their relationships to be defined within a single installation of Oracle Applications. This keeps each operating unit's transaction data separate and secure. Use the following query to determine if Muli Org is intalled: "select multi_org_flag from fnd_product_groups;"
Ans. Multi Org or Multiple Organizations Architecture allows multiple operating units and their relationships to be defined within a single installation of Oracle Applications. This keeps each operating unit's transaction data separate and secure. Use the following query to determine if Muli Org is intalled: "select multi_org_flag from fnd_product_groups;"
related Flex fields?
Ans. Key Flexfields Descriptive Flex fields
General Ledger - Accounting Flex field Daily Rates
Assets - Asset Category Flexfield Bonus Rates
Receivables - Sales Tax Location Credit History Information
Territory Flex field
Ans. Key Flexfields Descriptive Flex fields
General Ledger - Accounting Flex field Daily Rates
Assets - Asset Category Flexfield Bonus Rates
Receivables - Sales Tax Location Credit History Information
Territory Flex field
Difference between Global segments and Context-Sensitive segments?
Ans. Gobal Segments: Global segments are segments that appear regardless of context. Columns used for global segments cannot hold an context-sensitive segments.
Context-Sensitive segments: Context-Sensitive segments occur depending on the context. 68
Ans. Gobal Segments: Global segments are segments that appear regardless of context. Columns used for global segments cannot hold an context-sensitive segments.
Context-Sensitive segments: Context-Sensitive segments occur depending on the context. 68
263)What is the use of custom.pll? Custom.pll
is used for customizations such as form, enforcing business rules and disabling
fields that are not required for site without modifying standard apps
How to PROGRAMATICALLY submit the request? a)
With the help of standard API
Find Request. Submit request
Find Request. Submit request
265)What is request set? With
the help of request set we can submit several requests together using multiple
execution paths. Its collection of concurrent programs like reports procedures
grouped together.
266) What is the API used for file I/o
operation? Or which API is used to write to request log and request
output? a) Fnd_file.put_line (Fnd_file.log, „message‟);
b) Fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.out. „Message‟);
b) Fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.out. „Message‟);
How do I programmatically capture application user_id? Fnd_profile.value
or fnd_global.user_id. 268) What are flexfields? A
flexfield is a field made up of segments. Each segment has a name and a set of
valid values. There are two types of ff‟s: key ff,
are the 2 parameters required to be defined when a program is registered as
pl/sql stored procedure ERRBUF,
we register executable/concurrent program programmatically then how? Yes
we can. It can be done with standard package fnd_program, fnd_program.executable,
changes need to be made if a setup is changed from a single org to multi
org? Org_id should be added as a parameter in a
report and report should be run for specific org_id only
is message dictionary? Message dictionary
allows defining messages, which can be used in application without hard coding
them into forms or programs. 273) What is the token in concurrent program
parameters window? For a parameter in an oracle report
program, they keyword is parameter specified here. The value is case sensitive
for example P_CUSTOMER_NO
is different validation defaults types and default value in current program
parameter window?a) Constant
b) profile
c) SQL statement 69 d) Segment
b) profile
c) SQL statement 69 d) Segment
275) I have a concurrent
program that involves lot of inserts and updates on a huge basis where do I
specify rollback segment etc
How do I change the priority of my concurrent program? value
in this field so it will take the request, which has higher priority. 277) What is
incompatibility? When a program or list of programs is
defined as incompatible means that defined program is not compatible with
incompatible program list and cant run simultaneously in same conflict
is data group? A data group defines the mapping b/w oracle
applications and oracle ID‟s. A data group determines oracle database
accounts responsibilities forms, concurrent programs, and reports connect to
279)What are the steps to register concurrent
program in APPS? The steps to register the concurrent prom
in APPS are follows
a) Register the prom as concurrent prom for the executable
b) Define the concurrent prom for the executable registered
C) Add the concurrent program to the request group of the responsibilities
a) Register the prom as concurrent prom for the executable
b) Define the concurrent prom for the executable registered
C) Add the concurrent program to the request group of the responsibilities
are the forms customization steps? Steps are as
a) Copy the "Template fmb"1 and "Appstand.fmb" from AU_top/Forms/us. Put it in custom directory .
the Libraries(FNDSQF,APPCORE,APPDAYPK,GLOBE,CUSTOM,JE,JA,VERT)are automatically attached
b) Create/open new forms .then customize
c) Save this form in corresponding module.
a) Copy the "Template fmb"1 and "Appstand.fmb" from AU_top/Forms/us. Put it in custom directory .
the Libraries(FNDSQF,APPCORE,APPDAYPK,GLOBE,CUSTOM,JE,JA,VERT)are automatically attached
b) Create/open new forms .then customize
c) Save this form in corresponding module.
How to use flexfield in report? There are two ways
to use flexfield in reports one is to use the views (table name+`_kfv` or
`_dfv`) created by apps, and use the concatenated segment column that holds the
concatenated segments of the key or descriptive flexfield
To use the FND user exits provided by apps
To use the FND user exits provided by apps
280)what is KFF, DFF? KFF
: # unique identifiers, storing key into # used for entering and displaying key
For example oracle general uses a KFF called Accounting flex field to uniquely identify a general account.
DFF : # to capture additional info # to provide expansion space on your form with the help of []. [] represents DFF 70
For example oracle general uses a KFF called Accounting flex field to uniquely identify a general account.
DFF : # to capture additional info # to provide expansion space on your form with the help of []. [] represents DFF 70
281)Difference b/w KFF and DFF KFF |
DFF 1.
Unique identifiers To capture extra info 2. KFF are stored in
segments Stored in attributes 3. For KFF there are FF qualifier and
segment qualifiers Context_sensitive ff is a feature of dff. (DFF)
will you get set of books id dynamically in reports? By
using profile option called GL_SET_Of_Books_id 283)How will u capture AFF in
reports? By using user exits
various events in custom.PLL Zoom_available,
custom.standard, Custom.event.
u defined concurrent program u defined in compatibilities what
is the meaning of incompatibilities
simultaneously cant allow running programs
simultaneously cant allow running programs
is hierarchy of multi_org?
287)What is difference b/w org_id, organisation_ID ORG_ID is an operatin unit
Organisation_ID is inventory organisation.
are profile options? Defines the way application behaves (
more than 200 types)
set. And validation typesvalue set define suitable values for your
table, none, dependent, independent, special, pair
table, none, dependent, independent, special, pair
290)What is flexfield qualifiers? Additional
properties for your segment
many segments are in AFF?Minimum, maximum
u defined CCP there is one checkbox use in SRS what is meaning of this suppose
I do now want to call report through SRS how will I call report then? SRS:=
(Standard Request submission)
is difference b/w request group and data group? Request
group : group is set of CCP and request sets
Data Group : integrates all your oracle apps modules
Data Group : integrates all your oracle apps modules
is meaning of $flex $dollar using this we call a
value set with another value set. 71
MANAGER: 4 Types 1.Internal Manager 2.Standard Manager
3.Conflict Resolution Manager 4.Specialized concurrent Manager.
. FND_PROGRAM_REGISTER: ---------------------
Application Program: Application
Executable name: Name of the registered Executable
Executable Application: Name of the app where executable ins registered. FND_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE: -----------------------
Executable Name: Name of the executable.
Application: Name of the executable application.
Short Name: Short name of the exe
Execution Method: 'Flex Rpt' 'Flex SQL' 'Host' 'Immediate' 'Oracle Reports' 'PL/SQL stored procedure' 'Sql*loader' 'Sql*Plus' 'Sql*report'
Execution File Name: Regd. for all but immediate prog. FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST ---------------------------
Name: Submit Request
Application: Short name for the application under which the program is registered.
Program: Concurrent program name for which the request has to be submitted. REGISTERING TABLE: AD_DD.REGISTER_TABLE AD_DD.REGISTER_COLUMN
CONCURRENT MANAGER: runs concurrent process allowing multiple tasks simultaneously.
CONCURRENT PROCESS: runs simultaneously with other tasks to help complete multiple tasks at once without interruption.
GENERAL AIM: AIM 10, 20, 30, 40 -> DBA
AIM 50 -> Automatic column mapping
AIM 60 -> Manual column mapping
AIM 70 -> Default values, data assignments to be included.
AIM 80 -> Unit Testing & results of UAT
AIM 90 -> Coding
IF -> Interface, RD -> Requirement Definitions, BR -> Business requirement,
MD -> Module Design, CV -> Conversion
72 PROCESSING CONSTRAINTS: Restricting particular responsibility on an entered information.
PROFILE LEVEL: 1.Site 2.Application 3.User 4.Responsibility
KEY FLEX FIELDS: A flexible data field made up of segments, each segment has a name we define and a set of values that we specify.
DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELD: A flexfield that our organization can customize to capture additional information regd. by our business.
CV 10 -> Define Conversion Scope, objectives and approach
CV 20 -> Prepare Conversion Strategy
CV 30 -> Prepare Conversion Standards
CV 40 -> Prepare Conversion Statements
CV 50 -> Perform Conversion Data Mapping
CV 60 -> Define Manual Conversion Strategy
CV 70 -> Design Conversion Programs
CV 80 -> Prepare Conversion Test Plans
CV 90 -> Develop Conversion Program
CV 100 -> Perform Conversion Unit Test
CV 110 -> Perform Conversion business objects Tests
CV 120 -> Perform Conversion Integration Tests
CV 130 -> Install Conversion Software
CV 140 -> Convert & Verify Data
. FND_PROGRAM_REGISTER: ---------------------
Application Program: Application
Executable name: Name of the registered Executable
Executable Application: Name of the app where executable ins registered. FND_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE: -----------------------
Executable Name: Name of the executable.
Application: Name of the executable application.
Short Name: Short name of the exe
Execution Method: 'Flex Rpt' 'Flex SQL' 'Host' 'Immediate' 'Oracle Reports' 'PL/SQL stored procedure' 'Sql*loader' 'Sql*Plus' 'Sql*report'
Execution File Name: Regd. for all but immediate prog. FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST ---------------------------
Name: Submit Request
Application: Short name for the application under which the program is registered.
Program: Concurrent program name for which the request has to be submitted. REGISTERING TABLE: AD_DD.REGISTER_TABLE AD_DD.REGISTER_COLUMN
CONCURRENT MANAGER: runs concurrent process allowing multiple tasks simultaneously.
CONCURRENT PROCESS: runs simultaneously with other tasks to help complete multiple tasks at once without interruption.
GENERAL AIM: AIM 10, 20, 30, 40 -> DBA
AIM 50 -> Automatic column mapping
AIM 60 -> Manual column mapping
AIM 70 -> Default values, data assignments to be included.
AIM 80 -> Unit Testing & results of UAT
AIM 90 -> Coding
IF -> Interface, RD -> Requirement Definitions, BR -> Business requirement,
MD -> Module Design, CV -> Conversion
72 PROCESSING CONSTRAINTS: Restricting particular responsibility on an entered information.
PROFILE LEVEL: 1.Site 2.Application 3.User 4.Responsibility
KEY FLEX FIELDS: A flexible data field made up of segments, each segment has a name we define and a set of values that we specify.
DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELD: A flexfield that our organization can customize to capture additional information regd. by our business.
CV 10 -> Define Conversion Scope, objectives and approach
CV 20 -> Prepare Conversion Strategy
CV 30 -> Prepare Conversion Standards
CV 40 -> Prepare Conversion Statements
CV 50 -> Perform Conversion Data Mapping
CV 60 -> Define Manual Conversion Strategy
CV 70 -> Design Conversion Programs
CV 80 -> Prepare Conversion Test Plans
CV 90 -> Develop Conversion Program
CV 100 -> Perform Conversion Unit Test
CV 110 -> Perform Conversion business objects Tests
CV 120 -> Perform Conversion Integration Tests
CV 130 -> Install Conversion Software
CV 140 -> Convert & Verify Data
to set dependent and independent value set and how you will insert values for
the segments having these value sets.
ANS: First define independent value set and then while defining dependent value set give reference of independent value set along with default value and description. At time of entering values, enter values for independent first and then while entering values for dependent it will first force you to select value of independent segment. 297) Required
ANS: First define independent value set and then while defining dependent value set give reference of independent value set along with default value and description. At time of entering values, enter values for independent first and then while entering values for dependent it will first force you to select value of independent segment. 297) Required
for PL/SQL Procedure registered in Oracle. What will happen if these are not
ANS: Retcode and Errbuf are two out parameters having varchar2 datatype that are required. Use errbuf to return any error messages, and retcode to return completion status. The parameter retcode returns 0 for success, 1 for success with warnings, and 2 for error. After your concurrent program runs, the concurrent manager writes the contents of both errbuf and retcode to the log file associated with your concurrent request. If we do not include these two parameters, it will give run time error.
ANS: Retcode and Errbuf are two out parameters having varchar2 datatype that are required. Use errbuf to return any error messages, and retcode to return completion status. The parameter retcode returns 0 for success, 1 for success with warnings, and 2 for error. After your concurrent program runs, the concurrent manager writes the contents of both errbuf and retcode to the log file associated with your concurrent request. If we do not include these two parameters, it will give run time error.
to judge the number of descriptive fields defined from the front end
In front end we will find [] open close square bracket which indicate the presence of descriptive flexfield. In other words, dff appears on form as a single-character, unnamed field enclosed in brackets
In front end we will find [] open close square bracket which indicate the presence of descriptive flexfield. In other words, dff appears on form as a single-character, unnamed field enclosed in brackets
is context field is all about. 73 ANS: Context field is
used to make descriptive flexfield segments context sensitive, so that segment
that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in
your form
300)What is use of custom.pll what triggers are
fired to support the customization you do using custom.pll
SPECIALn (1 to 45)
KEY-fn (1 to 8)
SPECIALn (1 to 45)
KEY-fn (1 to 8)
301)What is auto accounting?
ANS: It is a required setup before to enter any transaction in AR. We have to define code combinations for different transaction type such as revenue, receivables, bills receivables, charge back, deposit and guarantee to default
ANS: KFF: A flexfield is a field made up of sub-fields, or segments. Each segment has a name and a set of valid values. The values may also have value
descriptions. Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the
code scheme without programming.
In other words, Flexfield is a "intelligent fields" that are fields comprised of
one or more segments, where each segment has both a value and a meaning.
DFF: Descriptive flexfields provide customizable "expansion space" on your forms. You can use descriptive flexfields to track additional information,
important and unique to your business, that would not otherwise be captured by
the form. Descriptive flexfields can be context sensitive, where the information
your application stores depends on other values your users enter in other parts
of the form. A descriptive flexfield appears on a form as a single-character,
unnamed field enclosed in brackets. Each field or segment in a descriptive
flexfield has a prompt, just like ordinary fields, and can have a set of valid
values. Your organization can define dependencies among the segments or
customize a descriptive flexfield to display context-sensitive segments, so that
different segments or additional pop-up windows appear depending on the
values you enter in other fields or segments.
ANS: KFF: A flexfield is a field made up of sub-fields, or segments. Each segment has a name and a set of valid values. The values may also have value
descriptions. Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the
code scheme without programming.
In other words, Flexfield is a "intelligent fields" that are fields comprised of
one or more segments, where each segment has both a value and a meaning.
DFF: Descriptive flexfields provide customizable "expansion space" on your forms. You can use descriptive flexfields to track additional information,
important and unique to your business, that would not otherwise be captured by
the form. Descriptive flexfields can be context sensitive, where the information
your application stores depends on other values your users enter in other parts
of the form. A descriptive flexfield appears on a form as a single-character,
unnamed field enclosed in brackets. Each field or segment in a descriptive
flexfield has a prompt, just like ordinary fields, and can have a set of valid
values. Your organization can define dependencies among the segments or
customize a descriptive flexfield to display context-sensitive segments, so that
different segments or additional pop-up windows appear depending on the
values you enter in other fields or segments.
ANS: Set of valid values defined for flexfield segment and SRS report arguments. Value Set is used when we define flexfield segment for Key Flexfield and descriptive flexfield segment window. Also for reports that are run from the SRS uses values sets for report arguments. 304) WHAT IS TABLE TYPE VALUE SET.
ANS: VALUE SET where we selecting validation type as table refer table that are registered oracle application table for values to be populated for your parameter. We can use multiple table separating them by „,‟. 74
ANS: Set of valid values defined for flexfield segment and SRS report arguments. Value Set is used when we define flexfield segment for Key Flexfield and descriptive flexfield segment window. Also for reports that are run from the SRS uses values sets for report arguments. 304) WHAT IS TABLE TYPE VALUE SET.
ANS: VALUE SET where we selecting validation type as table refer table that are registered oracle application table for values to be populated for your parameter. We can use multiple table separating them by „,‟. 74
ANS: Value set is a Value having list type, security type, format type, validation and size/width used for segments definition and as attribute for reports extraction through SRS where as REQUEST SET is a REQUEST have more than one Stage and each stage have more than one request program. 306)WHAT IS REQUEST SETS
ANS: Value set is a Value having list type, security type, format type, validation and size/width used for segments definition and as attribute for reports extraction through SRS where as REQUEST SET is a REQUEST have more than one Stage and each stage have more than one request program. 306)WHAT IS REQUEST SETS
request set is a collection of reports and/or programs that you group together. You can submit the
reports and/or programs in a request set all at once
using a single transaction. (REQUEST SET is a set has more than one or more
Stages and each stage have more than one or more request program. Stages
can further be linked to each other).
using a single transaction. (REQUEST SET is a set has more than one or more
Stages and each stage have more than one or more request program. Stages
can further be linked to each other).
ANS: Flexfield qualifier: Oracle Applications products use flexfield qualifiers to identify certain segments used for specific purposes. Some qualifiers must be unique, and you cannot compile your flexfield if you apply that qualifier to two or more segments. Other qualifiers are required, and you cannot compile your flexfield until you apply that qualifier to at least one segment
Segment Qualifier: Some key flexfields use segment qualifiers to hold extra information about individual key segment values. For example, the Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers to determine the account type of an account value or whether detail budgeting and detail posting are allowed for an Accounting Flexfield combination containing a given value. The Allow Budgeting, Allow Posting, and Account Type fields are segment qualifiers for the Accounting Flexfield
a. REPORTS TRIGGERS ARE i. Before parameter form
ii. After parameter form
iii. Before report
iv. Between pages
v. After report
b. Table /View Triggers
i. Before/After Insert/update/Delete (DML)
c. System Event Triggers
i. DDL on schema and database (DDL) Create/Alter/Drop d. Form Triggers
Different types of form triggers: 1. Key triggers
2. Navigational Triggers
3. Transactional Triggers
4. Message Triggers
5. Error Triggers
6. Query Based Triggers Main Events are as under: i. Pre-Logon
ii. On-Logon
iii. Post-Logon
iv. Pre-Form 75 v. Pre-Block
vi. Pre-Record
vii. Pre-Text-Item
viii. When-New-Form-Instance
ix. When-New-Block-Instance
x. When-New-Record-Instance
xi. When-New-Item-Instance
xii. When-Validate-Item
xiii. Post-Text-Item called
xiv. When-New-Item-Instance
xv. When-CheckBox-Changed
xvi. When-Validate-Item
xvii. When-New-Item-Instance
xviii. When-Radio-Changed
xix. Value of Radio Button
xx. When-New-Item-Instance
xxi. When-List-Changed
xxii. Value in List Item PUN
xxiii. When-New-Item-Instance
xxiv. Push Button pressed...
xxv. When-Validate-Record
xxvi. Post-Record
xxvii. Post-Block
xxviii. Post-Form
xxix. Pre-Logout
xxx. On-LogOut
xxxi. Post-LogOut
ANS: Flexfield qualifier: Oracle Applications products use flexfield qualifiers to identify certain segments used for specific purposes. Some qualifiers must be unique, and you cannot compile your flexfield if you apply that qualifier to two or more segments. Other qualifiers are required, and you cannot compile your flexfield until you apply that qualifier to at least one segment
Segment Qualifier: Some key flexfields use segment qualifiers to hold extra information about individual key segment values. For example, the Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers to determine the account type of an account value or whether detail budgeting and detail posting are allowed for an Accounting Flexfield combination containing a given value. The Allow Budgeting, Allow Posting, and Account Type fields are segment qualifiers for the Accounting Flexfield
a. REPORTS TRIGGERS ARE i. Before parameter form
ii. After parameter form
iii. Before report
iv. Between pages
v. After report
b. Table /View Triggers
i. Before/After Insert/update/Delete (DML)
c. System Event Triggers
i. DDL on schema and database (DDL) Create/Alter/Drop d. Form Triggers
Different types of form triggers: 1. Key triggers
2. Navigational Triggers
3. Transactional Triggers
4. Message Triggers
5. Error Triggers
6. Query Based Triggers Main Events are as under: i. Pre-Logon
ii. On-Logon
iii. Post-Logon
iv. Pre-Form 75 v. Pre-Block
vi. Pre-Record
vii. Pre-Text-Item
viii. When-New-Form-Instance
ix. When-New-Block-Instance
x. When-New-Record-Instance
xi. When-New-Item-Instance
xii. When-Validate-Item
xiii. Post-Text-Item called
xiv. When-New-Item-Instance
xv. When-CheckBox-Changed
xvi. When-Validate-Item
xvii. When-New-Item-Instance
xviii. When-Radio-Changed
xix. Value of Radio Button
xx. When-New-Item-Instance
xxi. When-List-Changed
xxii. Value in List Item PUN
xxiii. When-New-Item-Instance
xxiv. Push Button pressed...
xxv. When-Validate-Record
xxvi. Post-Record
xxvii. Post-Block
xxviii. Post-Form
xxix. Pre-Logout
xxx. On-LogOut
xxxi. Post-LogOut
ANS: fnd_flex_values_tl, fnd_id_flex_segment, Fnd_flex_value_sets Fnd_id_flex_structure, fnd_id_flexs
Descriptive flexfield details are stored in
ANS: fnd_flex_values_tl, fnd_id_flex_segment, Fnd_flex_value_sets Fnd_id_flex_structure, fnd_id_flexs
Descriptive flexfield details are stored in
Different segments or additional pop-up windows appear depending on the values
you enter in other fields or segments. 312)WHICH TYPE OF KFF USED IN GL ANS:
Accounting Flexfield
f. FND SRWEXIT 76 314)TELL BRIEFLY @ USER_EXISTS ANS: USER EXISTS Calls external program probably written in Pro „C‟ etc and sends Parameters from report or forms, external program does the process based on those sent parameters and returns the value back to report or forms. 316)What is Concurrent Program:
ANS: A concurrent program is program that does not require continued interaction on your part to perform a specific task. In Oracle Applications, for example, a concurrent program may be a program written to create a report, or to post a batch of general ledger journal entries 317)What is a Concurrent Process: ANS: A concurrent process is an instance of a running concurrent program. Each time a concurrent manager receives a request and runs a concurrent program, it creates a new concurrent process. A concurrent process can run simultaneously with other concurrent processes (and other activities on your computer). 318)What is concurrent request? ANS: A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent process. You issue a concurrent request when you submit a report or program to run using Standard Request Submission or when you choose an action button in a product-specific submission window 319)What is flexfield? Oracle application uses flexfiled to capture information about your organization. Flexfield have flexible structure for storing key information. Like company, cost center and account. They also give you highly adaptable structure for storing customized information in oracle applications. 320)Difference between key flexfield and descriptive flexfield: Keyflexfield:
Unique Identifier
Key flexfield are stored in segment columns
For key flexfield there are flexfield qualifier and segment qualifier
Descriptive flexfield:
Context sensitive is a feature of descriptive flexfield.
Descriptive flexfield are stored in Attributes
f. FND SRWEXIT 76 314)TELL BRIEFLY @ USER_EXISTS ANS: USER EXISTS Calls external program probably written in Pro „C‟ etc and sends Parameters from report or forms, external program does the process based on those sent parameters and returns the value back to report or forms. 316)What is Concurrent Program:
ANS: A concurrent program is program that does not require continued interaction on your part to perform a specific task. In Oracle Applications, for example, a concurrent program may be a program written to create a report, or to post a batch of general ledger journal entries 317)What is a Concurrent Process: ANS: A concurrent process is an instance of a running concurrent program. Each time a concurrent manager receives a request and runs a concurrent program, it creates a new concurrent process. A concurrent process can run simultaneously with other concurrent processes (and other activities on your computer). 318)What is concurrent request? ANS: A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent process. You issue a concurrent request when you submit a report or program to run using Standard Request Submission or when you choose an action button in a product-specific submission window 319)What is flexfield? Oracle application uses flexfiled to capture information about your organization. Flexfield have flexible structure for storing key information. Like company, cost center and account. They also give you highly adaptable structure for storing customized information in oracle applications. 320)Difference between key flexfield and descriptive flexfield: Keyflexfield:
Unique Identifier
Key flexfield are stored in segment columns
For key flexfield there are flexfield qualifier and segment qualifier
Descriptive flexfield:
Context sensitive is a feature of descriptive flexfield.
Descriptive flexfield are stored in Attributes
you call APPCORE Library in CUSTOM library You
cannot attach the APPCORE library to CUSTOM because it would cause a recursion
problem because CUSTOM is attached to APPCODE. As of Oracle application release
11i you may attach the APPCORE2 library to CUSTOM. The APPCORE2 library
duplicates most APPCORE routines with the following packages:
These packages contain the same routines as the corresponding APPCORE packages. Follow the documentation for the corresponding APPCORE routines, but add a 2 to the package names.
These packages contain the same routines as the corresponding APPCORE packages. Follow the documentation for the corresponding APPCORE routines, but add a 2 to the package names.
is MRC and what are its use? The Multi reporting
currency feature allows you to report and maintain records at the transaction
level in more than one functional currency. You can do it by defining one or
more set of books in additional to the primary set of books.
many reporting currencies can be attached to the primary set of books?
9 Reporting currencies can be attached to the primary set of books. 77
are ad-hoc reports Ad-hoc reports are made to meet the
one-time reporting needs. Concerned with or formed for a particular purpose.
For example, ad hoc tax codes or an ad hoc database query.
FSG is a Ad-Hoc Report. 325)What is FSG? FSG is a powerful and flexible report building tool you can use to build your own custom reports without programming. FSG is only available with GL. 326)What does set of books comprised of? ANS: CHART OF ACCOUNTS, CALENDAR AND CURRENCY 327)What are the validation types supported by value sets? ANS: Dependent, Independent, None, Pair, Special, Table, Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent. 328)What are format types supported by the value sets? ANS: Char, date, date time, number, standard date, standard date time, time. 329)Is there any restriction over the number of flexfield structure that can be defined for the accounting flexfield. ANS: NO there is no such restrictions. 330)What are flexfield qualifier that are available for accounting flexfield structure? ANS: Natural accounting segment, cost center segment, balancing segment and intercompany segment. 331)Which Flexfield qualifiers are mandatory? ANS: Balancing segment and Natural Account segment 332)Which Mandatory account needs to be defined for the set of books definition? ANS: Retained Earnings - this is undistributed profit of the shareholders. 333)What are all accounts that can be defined for the set of books form? ANS: Retained Earnings, Suspense, Rounding Difference, Reserve for Encumbrance
Account and Net Income Accounts. 334)What is the minimum and maximum no of periods that can be defined for the calendar? ANS: 1 & 366 335)What are the period statuses that can be associated with the periods? ANS: Open, closed, permanent closed, never opened, future entry 336)Can multiple periods have open status at one time? ANS: Yes. 337)How many chart of accounts can be mapped to a set of books. ANS: Only One 338)How many set of books can be defined in GL module? ANS: Unlimited 339)What is responsibility? ANS: A collection of forms, menu and program that a user can access. 340)Can multiple responsibilities be assigned to a single user? ANS: Yes 341)Can responsibility be shared by multiple logon users? ANS: Yes 342)From a general ledger responsibility, how many set of books can be accessed? ANS: Only One. 343)What are different currency conversion rates? ANS: General Ledger provides the following predefined daily conversion rate types: 78 Spot: An exchange rate, which you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your organization. This rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization. User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry. 344)Which table captures conversion rates information? ANS: gl_daily_rates 345)Which column distinguishes the type of journal being entered? ANS: actual_flag (A-Actual, B-Budget, E-Encumbrance)346)Dependant and Independent Value sets: For example, suppose you have an independent value set called "Account" with a dependent value set called "Sub-Account." You may wish to create a new independent value, 99, for "Account" with description "Receivables" without creating any associated sub-account values. Since your flexfield requires a dependent value of some sort to go with the independent value, it uses the default value you enter here, such as 00 with description "No Sub-Account."
List the tables which captures the journals information
FSG is a Ad-Hoc Report. 325)What is FSG? FSG is a powerful and flexible report building tool you can use to build your own custom reports without programming. FSG is only available with GL. 326)What does set of books comprised of? ANS: CHART OF ACCOUNTS, CALENDAR AND CURRENCY 327)What are the validation types supported by value sets? ANS: Dependent, Independent, None, Pair, Special, Table, Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent. 328)What are format types supported by the value sets? ANS: Char, date, date time, number, standard date, standard date time, time. 329)Is there any restriction over the number of flexfield structure that can be defined for the accounting flexfield. ANS: NO there is no such restrictions. 330)What are flexfield qualifier that are available for accounting flexfield structure? ANS: Natural accounting segment, cost center segment, balancing segment and intercompany segment. 331)Which Flexfield qualifiers are mandatory? ANS: Balancing segment and Natural Account segment 332)Which Mandatory account needs to be defined for the set of books definition? ANS: Retained Earnings - this is undistributed profit of the shareholders. 333)What are all accounts that can be defined for the set of books form? ANS: Retained Earnings, Suspense, Rounding Difference, Reserve for Encumbrance
Account and Net Income Accounts. 334)What is the minimum and maximum no of periods that can be defined for the calendar? ANS: 1 & 366 335)What are the period statuses that can be associated with the periods? ANS: Open, closed, permanent closed, never opened, future entry 336)Can multiple periods have open status at one time? ANS: Yes. 337)How many chart of accounts can be mapped to a set of books. ANS: Only One 338)How many set of books can be defined in GL module? ANS: Unlimited 339)What is responsibility? ANS: A collection of forms, menu and program that a user can access. 340)Can multiple responsibilities be assigned to a single user? ANS: Yes 341)Can responsibility be shared by multiple logon users? ANS: Yes 342)From a general ledger responsibility, how many set of books can be accessed? ANS: Only One. 343)What are different currency conversion rates? ANS: General Ledger provides the following predefined daily conversion rate types: 78 Spot: An exchange rate, which you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your organization. This rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization. User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry. 344)Which table captures conversion rates information? ANS: gl_daily_rates 345)Which column distinguishes the type of journal being entered? ANS: actual_flag (A-Actual, B-Budget, E-Encumbrance)346)Dependant and Independent Value sets: For example, suppose you have an independent value set called "Account" with a dependent value set called "Sub-Account." You may wish to create a new independent value, 99, for "Account" with description "Receivables" without creating any associated sub-account values. Since your flexfield requires a dependent value of some sort to go with the independent value, it uses the default value you enter here, such as 00 with description "No Sub-Account."
List the tables which captures the journals information
table captures the balances information of the code combinations? Ans:
is significance of compiling a flexfield structure? Ans:
It reflects the changes made to a flexfield structure during the unfreezed
changes can be enforced on the flexfield structure when It is unfreezed? Ans:
Changing segment names, changing ordering sequence, changing window prompts,
adding new segments, changing the enabled and displayed attributes
. 350)What is KEY FLEXFIELD? Ans:
Unique identifier storing key information used for entering and displaying key
information. For example Oracle general ledger uses a key flexfield called
accounting flexfield to uniquely identifies a general account.
Descriptive flexfield to capture additional information.
Descriptive flexfield to capture additional information.
many flexfields are there in AR and what are they? 1.
Transaction Flexfield
2. Territory Flexfield
3. Salex Tax Location Flexfield
2. Territory Flexfield
3. Salex Tax Location Flexfield
is MRC and its use? Ans: Multi Reporting Currency allows you
to report and maintain record at the transaction level in more than one
functional currency. You can do so by defining one or more set of books in
addition to the primary set of book.
you will define SOB for the inventory organization Ans:
Define in Organization option for Inventory Organization (classification) -
Other -Accounting Information - Specify SOB-Legal Entity and Operating Unit.
you will set the HR organization. (At Operating Unit
355)Multi org structure? Business
Groupà SOB->Legal Entityà Operating Unità Inventory Orgà sub
356)Difference between org_id
and organization_id? 79 Org_id
indicates operating unit, organization_id indicate Inventory Organization 357)what are the base table
for multi org informations?
what will be output of " select * from po_headers? "
ANS: No row selected. In case of multi org flag is yes. This is a view and filter condition is given for org_id for which we need to initialize ord_id passing user_id, responsibility_id and applicaton_id or need to extract ord_id from client_info global variable.
ANS: No row selected. In case of multi org flag is yes. This is a view and filter condition is given for org_id for which we need to initialize ord_id passing user_id, responsibility_id and applicaton_id or need to extract ord_id from client_info global variable.
359)diffrence between po_headers and
po_headers_all ?
ANS: po_headers_all is a table to store information for more than one organization and po_headers is a view, which is partitioned by org_id 360)use of retcode?
ANS: It returns status of the pl sql program you are running.
ANS: po_headers_all is a table to store information for more than one organization and po_headers is a view, which is partitioned by org_id 360)use of retcode?
ANS: It returns status of the pl sql program you are running.
i can fetch the current operating unit in plsql program?
ANS: Use Client_info global variable
ANS: Use Client_info global variable
362)how i can fetch the request id of the
running conc program?
ANS: fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
ANS: fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
363)whats the user exit ? explain each.
i can make sure that one program if running then no other is running in
ANS: Check the "Run Alone" checkbox while defining your concurrent program.
ANS: Check the "Run Alone" checkbox while defining your concurrent program.
365) How to use table type? detail
steps(registering a table....) register a table
using AD_DD package procedures,
v ad_dd.register_table
v Ad_dd.register_column
v Ad_dd.delete_table
v Ad_dd.delete_column
v ad_dd.register_primary_key
v ad_dd.register_primary_key_column
use table type value set to use this registered table.
Enter value, meaning, ID fields.
v ad_dd.register_table
v Ad_dd.register_column
v Ad_dd.delete_table
v Ad_dd.delete_column
v ad_dd.register_primary_key
v ad_dd.register_primary_key_column
use table type value set to use this registered table.
Enter value, meaning, ID fields.
366) where the info of KFF, DFF is stored?
(base tables of FND?) KFFà FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURE
367)explain TCA architecture. Trade
Community Architecture (TCA)It is supposed to be the base for storing the
complex information about the customer, parties and their relationship. TCA and
its DQM (data quality management) system helps to maintain this information by
avoiding duplications and easy access to this complex information.
between KFF, DFF. KFFà used to store mandatory
DFFà used to store non mandatory information.
KFFà stored in base table columns (SEGMENT1..30)
DFFà stored in ATTRIBUTE1..20
KFFà has segment qualifiers and FF qualifiers
DFFà has CONTEXT, a field in which you will enter one of the option available. 80 Depending on this option entered by you the fields for descriptive information will pop up. The segment which will depend on this CONTEXT are called as context sensitive segments. And the segment which doesn‟t depends on context are called GLOBAl segments. 369) where the party info, customer number, item number is stored? HZ_PARTIES, HZ_PARTY_SITES, MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS 370) What is request set ? it‟s a set of concurrent programs. You have multiple stages in one request set, each stage can contain multiple requests; each request in turn can have required parameters declared. Each stage can be connected to other stages depending on its completion status (success, error, warning). Stages run one after another, whereas requests in each stage runs parallel
DFFà used to store non mandatory information.
KFFà stored in base table columns (SEGMENT1..30)
DFFà stored in ATTRIBUTE1..20
KFFà has segment qualifiers and FF qualifiers
DFFà has CONTEXT, a field in which you will enter one of the option available. 80 Depending on this option entered by you the fields for descriptive information will pop up. The segment which will depend on this CONTEXT are called as context sensitive segments. And the segment which doesn‟t depends on context are called GLOBAl segments. 369) where the party info, customer number, item number is stored? HZ_PARTIES, HZ_PARTY_SITES, MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS 370) What is request set ? it‟s a set of concurrent programs. You have multiple stages in one request set, each stage can contain multiple requests; each request in turn can have required parameters declared. Each stage can be connected to other stages depending on its completion status (success, error, warning). Stages run one after another, whereas requests in each stage runs parallel
. 371)What are the names of the parameters u pass
to the Procedure which u register in the apps? A.
1) retcode in varchar2
2) errbuf in varchar2
2) errbuf in varchar2
concepts? How u will u come to know that ur working on multi org concept? Ans:
Use a single installation of any oracle applications product to support any
number of organization use different set of books.
We will go to view the table called FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS in which the column name MULTI_ORG_FLAG is 'Y then we can say that we r working on multi org concept.
We will go to view the table called FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS in which the column name MULTI_ORG_FLAG is 'Y then we can say that we r working on multi org concept.
is Chart of accounts? Ans: A complete listing of the accounts
to identify specific accounts to be increase or decrease. 374) Menu Exclusion in
responsibilities form. *This is to exclude
menu options and even some of the menu sub options
. 375)What menu to select for account receivables
& Payable. a. *AR_NAVIGATE_GUI for receivable
b. *AP_NAVIGATE_GUI12 for payable
b. *AP_NAVIGATE_GUI12 for payable
376)What is Rollup Group in segment
(account). *Roll up is used for the total for the group
that is required to be defined and attached with the chart of accounts.
*Account - Summary - template - for template we select segments and define whether we want summary or details or parent level. This is used in reports and inquiry. This make the accessibility faster and if required then only the user can drill down to details.
*Account - Summary - template - for template we select segments and define whether we want summary or details or parent level. This is used in reports and inquiry. This make the accessibility faster and if required then only the user can drill down to details.
377)Can we define more Flex field Qualifier?
Such as Natural Account, cost center
Inter-company, Balancing. *No we cannot create more because it is system defined. In case of project defined as a segment below company that time it is not necessary to add any qualifier to it.
Inter-company, Balancing. *No we cannot create more because it is system defined. In case of project defined as a segment below company that time it is not necessary to add any qualifier to it.
we define balancing attribute to more than one segment. Balancing does what
actually. What if we include project based accounting practice. *No,
Project segment need not to be attached with any of these qualified.
379)What is Data Group that is attached with
the Responsibilities? *It is required to Attached, which
Product Top should be attached with the responsibility. 380)Can we define some more
categories that we always select as „Adjustment‟ while entering Journal? *The
user can define categories. 381)Can the user define source? *Sources
can also be defined.
sequence be related with the source for auto numbering not at application level
but for the particular transaction? 81 For example auto number required for
Invoice or Cash Transaction
.383)Should we disable the structure if we want
to change the structure with removing some segment or adding some
will be generated again.
*After capturing data segment should not be added in between it could be added as last segment.
*After capturing data segment should not be added in between it could be added as last segment.
all profile option should be set for A/R & A/P *Find
for AR: % & AP: %
many MRC Multi Reporting currency you can define. Ans:
Up to 9 we can define
is basic difference between key flexfield and descriptive flexfield. Ans:
Flexfield is mandatory where as DFF is not
Flexfiled have flexfiled and segment qualifier where as DFF has Flexfield
Flexfield uses Segment fields where as DFF uses Attributes fields.
DFF can be context sensitive where as KFF not.
Flexfiled have flexfiled and segment qualifier where as DFF has Flexfield
Flexfield uses Segment fields where as DFF uses Attributes fields.
DFF can be context sensitive where as KFF not.
Unit level report not to be shared by other Operating Unit. Ans:
MO: Top Reporting Level option of system profile has to be set with Operating
Unit at Site Level. Request Group attached to the responsibility.
Responsibility is attached with the users. There can be more than one
responsibility that can be attached with the users. That each responsibility
has menu, data group and request group attached. In that request group attach
that particular report. Can also specify operating unit for MO: Profile option
MO: Top Reporting Level - Set of Book / Legal Entity / Operating Unit.
to run multi org setup validation report? Defining
Location for organization, Legal Entity and Inventory Organization. 388)What is Set of
Books? Ans: SOB keeps track of all financial records.
It consists of three C‟s
i.e., Char of Accounts, Currency and Calendar.
389)What are amount types? Ans:
PTD, QTD, YTD, PJTD (Project to Date).
are Currency Types: Ans: User, Corporate and Spot
is the name of DFF stored as a view in Apps. Ans:
Same the name of the table with extention of _DFV. 402)What is precedence if you
set the option in profile for all the level (S-System
all elements is set for the responsibilities. What is data group?
Ans: Menu, Data Group and Request group are attached with the responsibilities. Data group is a either your data of your functional currency i.e., standard group or Multiple Reposting currency data group with application name you want to attach for the responsibility. 404)What is security type and Cross-validation rules.
Ans: There are two ways security can be defined. One at individual segment level and One for the entire code combination. Security type with hierarchical security / non-hierarchical / no security is defined in the value set going to be attached with the individual segment. Here you exclude the segment value which user will not see at time of transaction capturing. Where are 82 Security rule is defined including and excluding the entire code combination which will be seen at the time of transaction and if excluded combination is selected then user define message will appear. In both the case security rule is required to be defined.
Security defined for segment is assigned to your application and responsibilities.
Security rule defined for application, structure and flexfield title with inclusion and exclusion.
Ans: Menu, Data Group and Request group are attached with the responsibilities. Data group is a either your data of your functional currency i.e., standard group or Multiple Reposting currency data group with application name you want to attach for the responsibility. 404)What is security type and Cross-validation rules.
Ans: There are two ways security can be defined. One at individual segment level and One for the entire code combination. Security type with hierarchical security / non-hierarchical / no security is defined in the value set going to be attached with the individual segment. Here you exclude the segment value which user will not see at time of transaction capturing. Where are 82 Security rule is defined including and excluding the entire code combination which will be seen at the time of transaction and if excluded combination is selected then user define message will appear. In both the case security rule is required to be defined.
Security defined for segment is assigned to your application and responsibilities.
Security rule defined for application, structure and flexfield title with inclusion and exclusion.
405)How much minimum and
maximum segment you can define in apps.
ANS: At least one segment is required except in Accounting flexfields, Define your Accounting Flexfield segments. You can define up to 30 segments for your account structure. You must define at least two segments for your account structure, one for the balancing segment and one for the natural account segment (the two required flexfield qualifiers).
Value sets for the Accounting Flexfield must be independent, table, or dependent-type value sets. Do not use value sets with a validation type of None for the Accounting Flexfield.
The Accounting Flexfield requires consecutive segment numbers beginning with 1 (such as 1, 2, 3, ...).
ANS: At least one segment is required except in Accounting flexfields, Define your Accounting Flexfield segments. You can define up to 30 segments for your account structure. You must define at least two segments for your account structure, one for the balancing segment and one for the natural account segment (the two required flexfield qualifiers).
Value sets for the Accounting Flexfield must be independent, table, or dependent-type value sets. Do not use value sets with a validation type of None for the Accounting Flexfield.
The Accounting Flexfield requires consecutive segment numbers beginning with 1 (such as 1, 2, 3, ...).
Which flexfield qualifier is compulsory.
Ans: Balancing segment and Natural account segmen
Ans: Balancing segment and Natural account segmen
t 407) Can you modify the structure of the key
flexfield any time later.
Ans: It is recommend that you plan your flexfields as completely as possible, including your potential segment values, before you even begin to define them using Oracle Applications forms. Once you begin using your flexfields to acquire data, you cannot change them easily. Changing a flexfield for which you already have data may require a complex conversion process.
Ans: It is recommend that you plan your flexfields as completely as possible, including your potential segment values, before you even begin to define them using Oracle Applications forms. Once you begin using your flexfields to acquire data, you cannot change them easily. Changing a flexfield for which you already have data may require a complex conversion process.
will you come to know that the set up is having multi organization.
Ans: Fnd_product_group.Multi_org_flag is set to „Y‟
Ans: Fnd_product_group.Multi_org_flag is set to „Y‟
409)What is Concsub.
ANS: Concsub is a executable run from the command line of operating system to submit the request.
ANS: Concsub is a executable run from the command line of operating system to submit the request.
you have to Run and shell scripts which execution method will you select.
ANS: Host Your concurrent program is written in a script for your operating system. Spawned Your concurrent program is a stand-alone program in C or Pro*C. 411)How you will execute C/C++ Program in Oracle apps. Which executable method will be selected?
Ans: Spawned
ANS: Host Your concurrent program is written in a script for your operating system. Spawned Your concurrent program is a stand-alone program in C or Pro*C. 411)How you will execute C/C++ Program in Oracle apps. Which executable method will be selected?
Ans: Spawned
is Org_id and What is Organization_id
Ans: Org_id store id for Operating unit and Organization_id stores id for inventory Organization.
Ans: Org_id store id for Operating unit and Organization_id stores id for inventory Organization.
is necessary to define Operating unit, if user want to use only GL
module. Ans: If client using only GL then no need of
Multi Org setup or to define Organization hierarchy. One operating unit has to
be there for user to logon and have default operating unit.
414)It is necessary to have Business Group for
single Company. Ans: It is not necessary where as if required
can define or within Business Group all other Organization can be created such
as HR, Legal Entity, Operating Unit and Inventory Organization.
is difference between SOB and Operating Unit. · Ans:
A Set
of Book is a financial reporting entity that partitions
General Ledger information and uses a particular chart of accounts, functional
currency, and accounting calendar. This concept is the same whether or not the
Multi-organization support feature is implemented. · Where
as Operating
Unit is a organization for which you have to attach
the SOB to capture day to day transactions for Purchasing, Selling, Fixed
Asset, Payable, Receivables.
416)What is Reporting SOB & What is
Translation. What is difference 83 Ans:General Ledger's Multiple Reporting
Currencies (MRC) feature is used to convert amounts from your functional
currency to a
reporting currency at the transactions level.
Translation: General Ledger's translation feature is used to translate amounts from your functional currency to another currency at the account balances level.
For example, an organization with a once-a-year need to
translate their financial statements to their parent organization's currency for consolidation purposes, but no other foreign currency reporting needs, should use General Ledger's standard translation feature instead of MRC.
reporting currency at the transactions level.
Translation: General Ledger's translation feature is used to translate amounts from your functional currency to another currency at the account balances level.
For example, an organization with a once-a-year need to
translate their financial statements to their parent organization's currency for consolidation purposes, but no other foreign currency reporting needs, should use General Ledger's standard translation feature instead of MRC.
417)In what scenario you would suggest
Reporting SOB and Translation.
Ans: If client want to have transaction level access that time we would suggest Reporting SOB. If client is interested only in final reports such as trial balance, profit and loss statement and Balance sheet then that time we would suggest Translation because translation is used to translate amount at the account balances level. 418)What would you do if we have another branch in china.
Ans: Separate Operating Unit has to be defined for this new branch.
Ans: If client want to have transaction level access that time we would suggest Reporting SOB. If client is interested only in final reports such as trial balance, profit and loss statement and Balance sheet then that time we would suggest Translation because translation is used to translate amount at the account balances level. 418)What would you do if we have another branch in china.
Ans: Separate Operating Unit has to be defined for this new branch.
will you come to know that whether the installation is for multi org or
Ans: Select multi_org_flag from fnd_product_groups (It this shows as „Y‟ it means it is a Multi Org enabled)
Ans: Select multi_org_flag from fnd_product_groups (It this shows as „Y‟ it means it is a Multi Org enabled)
420)Can you go for multi
organization in between.
Ans: Yes, we can go for it between. The Convert to Multi-Org program is an option available in ADADMIN. This task converts a standard product group into a Multi-Org product group. You can choose this option only if you do
not already have Multi-Org installed in your database and if you do not currently have Multiple Sets of Books Architecture installed in your database.
Before running this step, you must define at lease one operating unit and set the site-level profile option MO: Operating Unit.
The Convert to Multi-Org program does the following:
•Populates the ORG_ID column with the new operating unit you defined at the site level profile option MO: Operating Unit.
•Sets ORG_ID to NULL for records that are shared seed data.
•Sets the MULTI_ORG_FLAG in the FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS table to Y. The Convert to Multi-Org option is not displayed on the Database Objects menu if this flag is set to Y
•Runs the replicate seed data program. If you define additional operating units, the seed data is replicated for all operating units.
Ans: Yes, we can go for it between. The Convert to Multi-Org program is an option available in ADADMIN. This task converts a standard product group into a Multi-Org product group. You can choose this option only if you do
not already have Multi-Org installed in your database and if you do not currently have Multiple Sets of Books Architecture installed in your database.
Before running this step, you must define at lease one operating unit and set the site-level profile option MO: Operating Unit.
The Convert to Multi-Org program does the following:
•Populates the ORG_ID column with the new operating unit you defined at the site level profile option MO: Operating Unit.
•Sets ORG_ID to NULL for records that are shared seed data.
•Sets the MULTI_ORG_FLAG in the FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS table to Y. The Convert to Multi-Org option is not displayed on the Database Objects menu if this flag is set to Y
•Runs the replicate seed data program. If you define additional operating units, the seed data is replicated for all operating units.
421)What is organization_id
and what is org_id
Ans: Term Organization id is used for inventory organization and org_id is used for operating unit
Ans: Term Organization id is used for inventory organization and org_id is used for operating unit
422)What all modules are
impacted by multi org. whether FA will be impacted or not.
Ans: AP, AR
What is balancing segment.
Ans: Balancing segment is one of the flexfield qualifier which is a must to assign for Level where we want that at any given point of time debit and credit total should match.
Ans: Balancing segment is one of the flexfield qualifier which is a must to assign for Level where we want that at any given point of time debit and credit total should match.
transactions are captured in operating unit level and what at inventory
organization level.
Ans: An organization that uses Oracle Cash Management, Order Management and Shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Receivables . Information is secured by operating unit for these applications
84 . Inventory organization captures Oracle Inventory, Bills of Material, Engineering, Work in Process, Master Scheduling / MRP, Capacity, and Purchasing receiving functions
Ans: An organization that uses Oracle Cash Management, Order Management and Shipping Execution, Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Receivables . Information is secured by operating unit for these applications
84 . Inventory organization captures Oracle Inventory, Bills of Material, Engineering, Work in Process, Master Scheduling / MRP, Capacity, and Purchasing receiving functions
Master item is created at what level and why that is required.
Ans: Master item is created at operating unit level. For transactions, inventory organization is selected. This is required to make order processing centralized. 426)What do
Ans: Master item is created at operating unit level. For transactions, inventory organization is selected. This is required to make order processing centralized. 426)What do
you mean by API and what for
it is used in Oracle Apps.
Ans: API means Application Programming Interface and in apps it is used for interfaces from legacy system.
Ans: API means Application Programming Interface and in apps it is used for interfaces from legacy system.
is multi-org?
Ans: Capture transactions for multiple organizations using single installation of oracle application.
Ans: Capture transactions for multiple organizations using single installation of oracle application.
428)wht is flexfield ,it's
types,where it is stored (tbl and col's)
Ans: Flexfiled is a unique identifier, consists of one or more segments to capture information as per the business requirements. There are two types of flexfields, Key flexfield and Descriptive flexfield. It is stored in fnd_flex_values, fnd_flex_values_tl, Fnd_id_flexs, Fnd_id_flex_segment, fnd_id_flex_structure
Ans: Flexfiled is a unique identifier, consists of one or more segments to capture information as per the business requirements. There are two types of flexfields, Key flexfield and Descriptive flexfield. It is stored in fnd_flex_values, fnd_flex_values_tl, Fnd_id_flexs, Fnd_id_flex_segment, fnd_id_flex_structure
u delete user from apps environment?
We can not delete due to Audit Trail Purpose. We can change the effective date.(from date To date) Given date from when you want user to be disabled 430)Which table stores the parent value and its' child ranges?
We can not delete due to Audit Trail Purpose. We can change the effective date.(from date To date) Given date from when you want user to be disabled 430)Which table stores the parent value and its' child ranges?
tables store segment values and descriptions?
432)Can a flexfield qualifier
be changed after it has been created?
Ans: No. Once a segment qualifier has been designated for a specific segment and has been saved, it will permanently have the attributes with that qualifier.
For example, you accidentally designate the cost center segment as the natural account segment. Even though you do not compile this, the system saves the changes. And once it has been saved, it will have all the attributes designated for the natural account qualifier, even after it has been changed back, resaved with the correct qualifier and compiled.
This is the inherent functionality of the software.
Unfortunately, there is no real easy solution for this issue. The only option is to create a new chart of accounts and attach a new set of books. You may be able to just create a new chart of accounts if you haven't created the set of books yet. See Note 107448.1, for more information.
Ans: No. Once a segment qualifier has been designated for a specific segment and has been saved, it will permanently have the attributes with that qualifier.
For example, you accidentally designate the cost center segment as the natural account segment. Even though you do not compile this, the system saves the changes. And once it has been saved, it will have all the attributes designated for the natural account qualifier, even after it has been changed back, resaved with the correct qualifier and compiled.
This is the inherent functionality of the software.
Unfortunately, there is no real easy solution for this issue. The only option is to create a new chart of accounts and attach a new set of books. You may be able to just create a new chart of accounts if you haven't created the set of books yet. See Note 107448.1, for more information.
you change the size of a value set used in the accounting flexfield after it
has been created?
Ans: No. Once the value set is created, you should not change the size of a value set used in an accounting flexfield. We recommend that you set Right-justify Zero-fill Numbers to Yes for value sets you use with the Accounting Flexfield. You should never change to a value set with a larger (or smaller) maximum size if your value set is Right-justify Zero-fill, since 001 is not the same as 0000001, and all of your existing values would become invalid
Ans: No. Once the value set is created, you should not change the size of a value set used in an accounting flexfield. We recommend that you set Right-justify Zero-fill Numbers to Yes for value sets you use with the Accounting Flexfield. You should never change to a value set with a larger (or smaller) maximum size if your value set is Right-justify Zero-fill, since 001 is not the same as 0000001, and all of your existing values would become invalid
is the difference between Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Security
Ans: Hierarchical Security: This feature combines Flex Value Security and Flex Value Hierarchy. The end result is 'a flex value is secured if one of it's parents is secured'. With non-hierarchical security, the child values do not inherit the parent security.
Ans: Hierarchical Security: This feature combines Flex Value Security and Flex Value Hierarchy. The end result is 'a flex value is secured if one of it's parents is secured'. With non-hierarchical security, the child values do not inherit the parent security.
Should Rollup Groups be frozen? 85 Ans:It is recommended that Rollup Groups be
frozen unless they are being modified. However, if they are not frozen, there
should not be any effects on General Ledger reports, functions, or other
436) Do you need to have an
Accounting Flexfield segment that is flagged with the Intercompany
Ans: The intercompany segment is an optional Intercompany feature for the Intercompany Segment Balancing. It is NOT required in order to do intercompany balancing. It is just another way to do the intercompany balancing, instead of using different natural accounts to track intercompany balances, you can use the intercompany segment in the Chart of Accounts to record the same detail.
It is more just a matter of preference of how you want to track the intercompany transactions. Refer to Note 151130.1 to see additional information regarding How Intercompany Journal Lines are Created in General Ledger 11i. Also see the Oracle General Ledger Users Guide, Chapter 5: Accounting for Multiple Companies Using a Single Set of Books.
Ans: The intercompany segment is an optional Intercompany feature for the Intercompany Segment Balancing. It is NOT required in order to do intercompany balancing. It is just another way to do the intercompany balancing, instead of using different natural accounts to track intercompany balances, you can use the intercompany segment in the Chart of Accounts to record the same detail.
It is more just a matter of preference of how you want to track the intercompany transactions. Refer to Note 151130.1 to see additional information regarding How Intercompany Journal Lines are Created in General Ledger 11i. Also see the Oracle General Ledger Users Guide, Chapter 5: Accounting for Multiple Companies Using a Single Set of Books.
437)What is a Reconciliation
qualifier and how is it setup?
Ans: This Reconciliation flag is a localization feature used primarily by European customers. When the flag is set to YES, the account is set up to be reconciled. GL Entry Reconciliation is a set of forms and reports that enable the user to selectively cross-reference transactions in the General Ledger. Once the balance of a group of transactions is zero, the user can mark them as reconciled. This functionality enables the transactions in any account that should balance to zero (for example, an Inter-company suspense account) to be reconciled. For information regarding the setup of this option, please refer to Note: 1041211.6. 438)WHICH WEB SERVER IS USED BY APPS?
ANS:HTTP SERVER Powered by APACHE. WEB SERVER Uses 8i Database (8.0.6). Oracle Database is 9i. (9.2.0)
Oracle 9i Application server (9Ias).
Ans: This Reconciliation flag is a localization feature used primarily by European customers. When the flag is set to YES, the account is set up to be reconciled. GL Entry Reconciliation is a set of forms and reports that enable the user to selectively cross-reference transactions in the General Ledger. Once the balance of a group of transactions is zero, the user can mark them as reconciled. This functionality enables the transactions in any account that should balance to zero (for example, an Inter-company suspense account) to be reconciled. For information regarding the setup of this option, please refer to Note: 1041211.6. 438)WHICH WEB SERVER IS USED BY APPS?
ANS:HTTP SERVER Powered by APACHE. WEB SERVER Uses 8i Database (8.0.6). Oracle Database is 9i. (9.2.0)
Oracle 9i Application server (9Ias).
ANS: INTERNAL MANAGER, STANDARD CONCURRENT MANAGER, SPECIALISED CONCURRENT MANAGER, CONFLICT RESOLUTION MANAGER 440)IS THERE ANY CONCURRENT MANAGER FOR RESOLVING CONFLICTS BETWEEN 2 REQUESTS IF YES THEN TELL THE NAME? You define concurrent managers using the Concurrent Managers window. When you define a manager, you specify the manager type, which may be either Concurrent Manager, Internal Monitor, or Transaction Manager.
There are three other types of managers that Oracle Applications predefines for you: the Internal Concurrent Manager, which describes the Internal Concurrent Manager process, the Conflict Resolution
Manager, and the Scheduler. For the CRM and Scheduler you can assign the primary and secondary nodes. For the Internal Concurrent Manager you assign the primary node only.
ANS: INTERNAL MANAGER, STANDARD CONCURRENT MANAGER, SPECIALISED CONCURRENT MANAGER, CONFLICT RESOLUTION MANAGER 440)IS THERE ANY CONCURRENT MANAGER FOR RESOLVING CONFLICTS BETWEEN 2 REQUESTS IF YES THEN TELL THE NAME? You define concurrent managers using the Concurrent Managers window. When you define a manager, you specify the manager type, which may be either Concurrent Manager, Internal Monitor, or Transaction Manager.
There are three other types of managers that Oracle Applications predefines for you: the Internal Concurrent Manager, which describes the Internal Concurrent Manager process, the Conflict Resolution
Manager, and the Scheduler. For the CRM and Scheduler you can assign the primary and secondary nodes. For the Internal Concurrent Manager you assign the primary node only.
us Data Group: Use data groups to support multiple
installations of an Oracle Applications product (for example, Oracle Payables)
that supports multiple sets of books, where a different application is
associated with each set of books.
For example, with two installations of Oracle Payables supporting two Sets of Books, use data groups to indicate which Oracle Payables Oracle username to access from a certain General Ledger responsibility.
Define a data group for each application installation (set of books). 86 Define a responsibility for each application installation (set of books), and assign the appropriate data group to each responsibility.
For example, with two installations of Oracle Payables supporting two Sets of Books, use data groups to indicate which Oracle Payables Oracle username to access from a certain General Ledger responsibility.
Define a data group for each application installation (set of books). 86 Define a responsibility for each application installation (set of books), and assign the appropriate data group to each responsibility.
442)What is the purpose of MO: Security Level
and should value should you set that to?
ANS:utilize the "MO: Security Profile" profile option over the "MO: Operating Unit" profile option when both profile options are set to give access to multiple operating units.
The profile option "MO: Security Profile" should not be set at Site level, since
setting it will result in forms error when opening the financials products
forms that are modified for Access Control and also Multi-Org initialization
errors while applying patches.
You must set the MO:Operating Unit profile option for each responsibility.
You must also define the default operating unit by setting the
MO:Operating Unit profile at the site level.
ANS:utilize the "MO: Security Profile" profile option over the "MO: Operating Unit" profile option when both profile options are set to give access to multiple operating units.
The profile option "MO: Security Profile" should not be set at Site level, since
setting it will result in forms error when opening the financials products
forms that are modified for Access Control and also Multi-Org initialization
errors while applying patches.
You must set the MO:Operating Unit profile option for each responsibility.
You must also define the default operating unit by setting the
MO:Operating Unit profile at the site level.
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